Thursday, April 14, 2011

Got "New" digital camera! Pansonic DMC-FZ50 - initial impressions

Two weeks ago I bought 2nd hand Panasonic FZ50 to replace my Canon S2IS (all gear shots till now were made with Canon!).

It's a nice, big Superzoom-Type camera with Leica lens.

It is pretty much useless for larger prints above ISO200.

more to come...

Monday, April 11, 2011

How to make a good photo of Your bike?

I am a big bike-hobbyist. What I always had problem with was how to do a nice-looking photo of my bicycle. I tried many times with the same effect: flat, dull, unexciting.

Only recently I managed to find a proper technique: IT'S ALL ABOUT DOF!*

*depth of field

Remember: this shot was made with Canon S2IS, which is a cheap 5mpx superzoom digicam and 2.7-3.5 lens.

What I did was:
- waited for a perfect light (CLOUDY DAY! - almost no shadows!)
- chosen possibly non-distracting background
- kept distance between me and a bike AND bike and background - I had to zoom in to fit the bike in the frame!
- shoot in Aperture priority mode and set the largest aperture possible

This is the final effect:

In the details I managed to squeeze even shallower DOF/ stronger 3d effect!